Friday, October 22

Parenting Together?

If you are a parent, chances are you struggle being consistent with your children. We all do!  Don't be discouraged, get answers. Pray. Educate yourself with great christian parenting books and of course READ the bible!!!!!

Consistency, I believe, is the greatest action we can apply in our parenting day by day. My parents were so consistent in their words and actions that I believed their counsel as a teen. I trusted them more than my friends. I found them to live a true faith in their daily lives. Their consistency in using words along with action further helped me to develop a heart for Jesus too. I saw He was real to them, not just something they did on Sunday at church. Their belief's about Jesus governed their daily life.

One of the difficult things about parenting is that it's two people with different personalities coming together as one to shape a child's life. One parent may do something quickly that the other one wouldn't. How do you identify those differences and come together on the same page?

I like what Dr. Gary Chapman has to say about this issue. Click on the link to his article below called "Parenting Together." I hope you enjoy it as much as I did and also get some great take home advice you can apply to your parenting. Happy Friday everyone! !

Parenting Together?
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