Sunday, October 10

Manna Monday

So, it Manna Monday again.

I know you were looking for Psalm 139. I will finish it later but for now, I believe it is appropriate to share what I am living during this season of my life. And life has changed since an illness has come into my family a few months ago. The blog is called Joy Treasure for a reason. For as long as I can remember I have always had joy. The Joy of Christ in my heart. I received it when I accepted Him as my Savior and LORD at eight years old. I still remember sitting in Pastor Traylor's study with my mother and hearing him read the saying from a bible track "God said it, I believe it, that settles it." When I understood what Jesus did for me on the cross, I wanted to know Him. I wanted to live with Him eternally one day in heaven. I loved Him then and I have tried to stay close to His side through my junior high, high school and college years up until present.

Looking back on the tough times in my life, I came to see that through it all, I always had joy. When I had acne on my face and kids used to make fun of me in junior high, I could turn to the bible and read God's word in my bedroom at night and my heart would rejoice. When my family experienced financial difficulties and I wished it would end, I could open God's word and be encouraged that He was with us and would provide for us and we were not alone. My heart would rejoice. When all my friends were getting married and I was living a life that had to get used to being by myself, I would open my bible and talk to my heavenly Father about my desire for a husband. My heart would rejoice. And now when my family is facing cancer, I open my bible and my heart rejoices.

The joy of Jesus is inside my heart.

It doesn't mean I love going through trials. (I don't.) It doesn't even mean the life circumstance will immediately change. But God's word tells us in James 1:2  saying "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,. " We are to count it joyful that God is growing us to become more like Him.

Everyone is looking for joy. Think about it. The joy of cooking, the joy of fashion, the joy of having the perfect family with the perfect house. The joy of having a career that brings you fulfillment. It's the Joy of Jesus that believers have. It's what the world is looking for that only Jesus can provide.

So when I was thinking of a name for this blog Joy Treasure kept coming up. Joy Treasure. It has been my life testimony. I don't have any kind of radical "new man" story. Seems my testimony is the kind to many that seems quite boring. But its not. It has been one of endurance. It has been a JOY! To be learning more about Jesus each year and growing in maturity....oh the grace of Jesus. Only His grip on me has kept me from falling.

I don't know where you are in your life today. I don't even know what trials you are facing and you don't seem to know when it will end. But you can go through it leaning on Jesus and opening God's word letting your heart rejoice. Suffering produces endurance. God doesn't want us to stay the same. He wants us to mature, to grow, to become more like Jesus.

Psalm 19:8a is my blogs main verse. It says, "The precepts of the LORD are right giving joy to the heart." Only His word can do that. That is the purpose for this blog.

I love you all. I am praying for you as I write this.
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