Friday, June 11

Stretched by God

Vacation Bible School is over and I had a great time! Did I mention that I am exhausted. EXHAUSTED! My body is certainly telling me that it's gettin' older! The preparation the week before on top of life and other commitments along with this past week of teaching has given my mind and body a run for the money! But I wouldn't change one thing. No....not one!

Needless to say, I let God stretch my servant's heart by getting out of my comfort zone. I like working with women and adults. I sing in the choir. That is where I'm supposed to be my mind would think. Serving in those areas makes sense to me. But when I listen to God, I know exactly what I am to do. So, when I was asked to teach VBS, I said "yes" with a little hesitation. The hesitation came from my lack of experience in working with children. I love them, but I didn't know what to expect. I could have let that feeling lead me to refuse the invitation. Friends, I would have missed what all God would teach me with those littles ones! I am so glad I didn't let my FEELINGS rule over my choices.

Is God trying to stretch your servant's heart? Is he calling you into a new area of service where you FEEL a lack of experience and expertise? Don't let feelings lead you away from serving in a new area in the body of Christ. HE will equip you for service. You will miss what God want's to teach you if you give in to what's comfortable and predictable. You will miss the opportunity for God to stretch your heart to allow more room to love others as He would love them.

As always, I am looking to share new art with you. This is the last day of craft time at VBS. The children were writing on their bandana's the weekly verse John 5:24a "Truly, truly I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes in Him who sent me has eternal life."

There's nothing more precious than a child's hands writing scripture and hearing their little mouths say it aloud.

The picture above is a lollipop- very good use of color don't you think!

Thank you God for teaching me that I can serve in all kinds of areas. There is no greater joy than to be serving my Savior and King and being about HIS business.

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1 comment:

  1. Amen, sister!!! I still get nervous about SQ and it's my fourth year! Check out this beauty of a pic:

    I will try to post it on my blog, there is one there of you now, go check! :)


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