Monday, June 14

Manna Mondays- 22 Weeks to GO

This is a painting is a series of paintings I did. Each one focused on God, the I AM.
The words were the focus not the art. So simple yet so powerful to be reminded of
Who God is.. I AM (Alpha and Omega...the beginning and the end.)

Friends, there is nothing more important than hiding God's word inside our hearts. It is life and it brings life to a heart that is daily growing old. God's word renews our life, revives our soul and gives us light for each new day. Psalm 139:3 is where we find ourselves this week. Let's not forget we will be saying verse one, two and three all together. We are learning the passage.

Wherever you go this week, God knows. He even knows where HE will take you in the future. When you lie down, He knows. He knows the kind of day you've had(when no one else knows). He knows what you are thinking when you are closing your eyes as you fade off into dreamland. He knows what's on your mind. All your ways, the routines of your life...the ups and downs, the frustrations, the joys, the routines that seem to be mindless, God knows. And you know what? He made them all. Let's worship Him for making us in His image and thank Him for each moment.

There is no one more familiar with who we are than God. Thank you God for making us and for knowing us. Thank you God! We praise you God for being so familiar with us!
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