Friday, January 21

I am a C- My One Statistic in a World of Many

I am a C- (remember that song from church camp! I am C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N.)

You know, being a christian is when you're driving down the road and see a fish symbol or a bumper sticker that says, "honk if you love Jesus! " And of course we like to think we swim against the flow too, right! So that's why we honk! But do we really swim against the flow of worldly living? Does following Jesus really make our lives look different? 

Many statistics tell us we aren't doing a good job as believers about all kinds of things. I believe they're probably right. Statistics cause us to think, call us to act, and remind us where we should be placing our priorities. But the people in the bible didn't do everything perfect either! That's why I am not excusing the statistics we read or hear these days, but I am saying, instead of looking at them and getting fired up over what we're not doing as the body of Christ, let's think on how we can change one statistic- that would be me or you. That's the first statistical difference we can make that we have control over. 

These are off the top of my head. They are things I want my life to reflect more of as a christian and why.

C-asting my Cares upon God: 
 We have lots of CARES don't we friends! But instead of laying them before Jesus, why do we try to take them on ourselves? Why don't we lay them down before Him quickly? Prayerfully? Obediently? How we handle our cares reflects how close we follow Christ to others. The bible says, " Cast ALL your care upon Him, for he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

H-umility-  To be about His business serving others, not myself. This looks like serving more than the body of Christ in church, it looks like serving my family like Christ would have me to. It's serving those around me that God has placed in my life. It's acting on being a servant to them right then and there, not waiting and missing the opportunity.

R-epentant-  Sin robs us of a thriving relationship with Christ.(Every believer can say this with the best of them!)  But most of us get up, get going and push the ole' heart off to the side hoping somehow it will work itself out. But it won't work itself out and we know that! Only Jesus can work it out. A life of repentance is continual not a one time walk down the aisle.

I-nvolved-Christ was involved in others lives when he wasn't going to get anything in return. He was involved because He cared for their heart. Getting involved in other's lives requires commitment, it requires an investment of time. It's a sacrifice. It requires stepping outside our normal circles and reaching out to those who need to be mentored, or encouraged.  It requires caring for their heart like Jesus would. 

S-elf denying- Need I say more? Just looking at the word brings conviction!

T-hankful- Thanking God all the time for everything. My thankfulness acknowledges him as my provider, the one who is good, His faithfulness, His sovereignty over all things in my life, His love, His mercy, His power, His presence. And....that my life is always before Him. When I thank Him I am thanking God for WHO he is!

So as I end this post I have been refreshed, haven't you? Nothing like a reality check to get us back on the right track again! These are all ways that Jesus lived that we can pattern our lives after so that the one statistic (the one you and I have control over!) can be of influence to the little world around us. 

Which of these is God bringing to light to you today?

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  1. You truly do serve God with your blog it is written all over it and I for one am blessed to see people dedicate their blog to Christ. There are many blogs out here across the net and some will talk about Him and other things but to come across one who talk about His word truly does bless my soul I am glad to have found you and I will add you to my prayer list that God will continue to strengthen you and uplift you with His Mighty hand..God bless you in all you do

  2. Jen! Great to hear from you! I pray all is well with your family.
    Thanks for stopping by Joy Treasure. I appreciate the comment on this post.
    Blessings to you sweet friend!

  3. Desiray! What a nice surprise to receive your comment. Nice to meet you in the blogosphere. I look foward to reading your blog as well.
    I cherish your comment so much because I try hard to make Joy Treasure a place that's makes much of Christ and less of me. I love how God uses even the virtual world to help encourage our hearts through other believers as well! So glad to meet you here, and thanks for following Joy Treasure. I appreciate your prayers also and need them continually. I will be praying for you as well!
    Joy 2 U!


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