Tuesday, November 9

"Memorize Scripture" John Piper Sermon Jam

Love this video about memorizing scripture! I pray you all will love it as much as I do. It is 3 minutes and 54 seconds long. Memorizing scripture is a daily dying to our selfishness and seeking out the truth of God's word. It's a fight to put it to memory. We can come up with so many excuses, including me! John Piper talks about it in such a way that is convicting but yet encouraging. When I find myself memorizing scripture, I am able to meditate on it in the morning when I am fixing breakfast or in the evening when I am lying in my bed. I find myself talking to God silently as I share with Him what I learned and ask Him questions about how I can put the scripture into action in my own life. It is one of the sweetest conversations I know (when we talk about His word). When I memorize scripture, I am able to think about the things of God more and more in my day and less about my limited, selfish thoughts. (Praise God!)Like Piper says, "memorize a phrase or a verse a day"and put it in your pocket like a piece of candy and work hard to commit it to memory. Decide you will do it when there are no feelings desiring to do it. If you wait for the feeling, you will never memorize scripture for the feeling will never come. There is no excuse for us to not be memorizing scripture for the devil spoke of scripture committed to his memory while in the desert with Jesus. Ouch~! There goes any basis for an excuse to not memorize scripture! If the devil did it CERTAINLY we can hide God's word through the power of the Holy Spirit as our helper.

Talk to me.
Tell me how you are committing scripture to memory in your own life. I am looking to share this in a post with the Joy Treasure readers. How do you teach it to your children? How do you find ways to remember it and apply in your daily life? Leave it in the comment box and it will come right to me. I am looking for FIVE- SIX ways we all can better memorize scripture. Looking forward to hearing from y'all! Bye now!
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