Friday, October 7

Albert Mohler talks about Joel Osteen

This article written by Albert Mohler is quite interesting.Mohler holds nothing back.

Click above to read the entire article.

He cites Joel Osteen's responses to piercing questions asked on television. If we are to be a believer, that means we have beliefs based on Scripture. Because we believe God's word is God-breathed, that means we do make judgements about life based on scripture not based on our own opinions or wanting to not stir up contreversy. Jesus stirred up controversy and made judgments based on truth. That's why the gospel was so controversial that people would crucify Him on a cross.

 Everyday we make judgments. We make judgements on whether we like the chicken sandwich from Wendy's or the chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-a. We make judgements as to whether our children should spend time with this friend or that one. We make judgements based on whether watching this movie will hurt our Christian walk or not. We make judgements as to whether we should spend time with people who do not encourage us in the LORD or to choose to make friendships with those who do encourage our walk with the LORD. We do make judgments. I don't want to attend a church that makes me feel good and where everything is always a good message. Sin is real. Sin is to be dealt with. Sin separates us from knowing God. It is a barrier. To make little of it hinders my relationship with God. I am so thankful my pastor holds nothing back but points me back to my sin and to the sin of the world. He doesn't just encourage me to have a positive attitude or think happy thoughts. He leads me to see truth, believe truth, live by truth and make judgements based on the truth.

What are your thoughts about this article written by Albert Mohler. Would love to hear from you.
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