Wednesday, April 20

Just for Women Wednesdays- JESUS:A Woman's Greatest Hope

Women can easily put their hope in a lot of things in this world. We hope the new makeup we purchased will make us look and feel better. We hope each morning our hair will look good. We hope to be included with a gathering of other women. Some women look for a physician to give them the hope of having children. Some women are hoping for the doctor to fix their health issues and hope the medicine given to them will work. Some women are hoping for a husband, while others are hoping their husband will come to know Jesus. Some women are hoping for acknowledgment of a job "well done" at work. Some women are hoping for better tomorrows. Some women are hoping to have more purpose in their life. Some women are hoping for restoration to broken relationships while some women are hoping for their children return to the Lord. We are always hoping for something in this life. But as believers, WE HAVE THE GREATEST HOPE EVERYDAY: JESUS CHRIST.

Our greatest hope is Jesus. He is the One who conquered death and brings life and light to our lifeless hearts. When we are discouraged, Psalm 43:5 says, "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God,..."

When we get easily discouraged and place our fcous on the things of this world or look to the people in our life to bring hope to our hearts, we are missing the finished work of the cross. We are overlooking the hope Jesus came to bring to our hearts. We should hope in God when we don't have an answer to our question, when our health issues can't be determined, when a relationship seems it will never be restored. When life isn't looking good, we shouldn't forget to remember and remind ourselves of a greater hope yet to come- HEAVEN. If this world never brings us better times, we still have the hope of heaven, the hope of eternity, of salvation- the hope unbelievers don't have because they don't know Jesus.

Believers always have hope.

This Easter week, thank God for the hope Jesus gave you through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is REAL hope!

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