Friday, April 15

Going with the Flow in Ministry

God takes me a lot of places through my heart for music, writing and painting. I use all things for Him because all things given to me are FROM Him, THROUGH Him and back TO HIM! But this morning I was reminded of a very, very important lesson when serving God- Go with the Flow!!!!!

"Always be prepared." That's what I have been taught all my life.

When I went to sing this morning at a Christian women's meeting, I found a piece of the sound equipment that I had borrowed was missing and the entire system wouldn't work. The Cd's I had brought could not be played and the microphone and speakers were completely obsolete without the proper cords. As I began to fret (just a little) I began to consider my options. "I could play the piano," I thought. Over to my left sat a baby Grand piano in the room with no sound system connected to it. Then I thought, "Lord, you have always told me to be prepared wherever I go for you so what do I do now?" I didn't bring my piano book, nor would it have mattered because no one in the room could have heard me play and sing without a microphone. I stood still and prayed and asked God for direction, "What would you have me do?" He said, "Precious Lord." I had written some new verses to the chorus of the old song "Precious Lord"  a few years ago as I sang in the shower. It was a powerful song and was perfect for Easter. I knew at that moment, it was a song I could do on the fly -A Capella. I didn't worry or fret from that point on. I just gave it to God.

God used the song to bless the women in a way that I wasn't expecting. Many of them told me they loved it because they could hear every word and the words ministered to their hearts. But He also used it to remind me that when we serve Him He requires us to be flexible. There was no need to be worried or fretful. He had other plans that had already been planned for me  and for the women today. I just got a clue when nothing worked!

When something doesn't go as planned when ministering to others and serving God, always have something else you can do on the fly. That is what being prepared is all about. Its being prepared if something happens to plan A& B. Today I went on plan C and I was doubly blessed!!!!

Ministry is best when you are able to go with the flow. If this happens to you, stop, consider your options and pray for God to show you what He would have you do. And sit back and relax. HE has everything under control!
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