Thursday, December 2

Keeping Christ in Christmas- Day 2- The Peace of Jesus

Peace on Earth. That's what everyone wants. But there is no peace on earth. The only way we can have true peace while living on this earth is through a relationship with Jesus Christ. It's His peace that we are given when we are called into a relationship with Him.
Jesus said,
A common phrase you'll hear every Christmas is "peace on earth."It pops up in news stories, songs, and movies.  I remember having to sing the song, "Let there be Peace on Earth" as a child in grade school. There's a phrase in the song that says, "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me." The intention of the phrase is to encourage ownership of being a peacemaker and letting peace come to earth through one person at a time. That's all fine and good but in reality, we are sinful people. We can't sustain peace on our own. That's why we need Jesus. The world's idea of peace is found in all kinds of other things but Jesus. Look at how peace is skewed in the world:

 Freedom from desire leads to inner peace.  - Lao Tse 

A smile is the beginning of peace.

Nobody can bring you peace but yourself. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nobody can bring peace to our hearts but Jesus. Only through His peace can we seek to bring peace to our relationships, workplace, and communities. Everything else will be a striving that is unusustainable.This Christmas as a believer remember Colossians 3:15 which says, "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."

We were called to peace. Let the peace of Jesus rule in your heart this Christmas.
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