Monday, July 30

Manna Monday-Keeping it Real On Joy Treasure

Hey JT Friends!
One of the things I really try to do here on the Joy Treasure Blog is to keep it real. So here I go! I am not some blogging machine that can always give you the best advice, or point you to the right scripture or tell the best stories. I get tired, busy, behind in cleaning my house, struggle with with being a wife, mom and friend. Life is hard. But I have learned, it's OK to have these kind of days. 

Lately, I have been out of town a lot and I have been trying to blog and encourage you here on the Joy Treasure Blog and on the Joy Treasure Facebook Page. But the truth is, I am tired sister. I have lots of things to do in the next couple of weeks. My son is starting school soon, and I want to spend all the time I can with him before the summer is over. I need to refuel with my LORD and get revived so I can be a vessel to encourage your walk with the LORD. I don't want to move forward in my own weak strength. I want to be strengthened by Christ. At present, I feel like an empty pitcher that is out of water. I can't pour out anything to you because there is nothing to pour out. And when I get this way, I stop blogging because I don't want to try to make something up for you. I want to be a woman yielded to the LORD, following Him in seeking the truth to encourage you.

I have had these times before, and I have learned that in these times, I find the LORD more real to me than ever before. It's in being dry that I find the truth of Jesus being my "Living Water"(John 7:38). I share this with you here on the blog because I know you want to know that I struggle too. I do dear sister!!! You want to know that I am not some Christian lady who is always giving, always quoting scripture for everything and always prays. I don't always do this. I struggle. I trip up. I get discouraged. But, I come back and spend lots of time with Jesus and get refueled and become stronger in Him, not in myself.

My blog break will be for two weeks. I will not be posting any new content. 
While I'm out, look around on the JT blog at older content during my blog break. 

I am thankful for your support here on Joy Treasure.
Look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!!!

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  1. jennifer cole30 July, 2012 10:42

    Thank you for your faithfulness and humility. Thank you for your honesty and your love for Christs word and others. Lifting you up and praying that the Holy Spirit will "rain down" on your precious heart. May you be encouraged and filled up Ashley. You are loved!

  2. Sweet Ashley, I have taken blog breaks for the same reasons. We can't pour out what we don't have to give. It's not good for us nor our readers. I have been prahing for you and will continue to do so.

    Blessed rest and soaking be unto you, Ashley~


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