Wednesday, January 30

Just for Women Wednesdays- Why You Should Learn from Envy

How do you deal with envy in your heart? What do you do with it? No need to push it aside because the Bible says it can rot the bones (Proverbs 14:30). That's how bad it is!! It penetrates to the very frame of your body. Envy can begin with a tiny thought but unchecked it can go to the depths.
A Heart Changing Question
I am always trying to learn from other believers. I want to be a lifelong learner and not drift through this life and take what's fed to me. I want for truth to do SOMETHING to my heart; not bounce off of it like I never heard it. A couple of the ways I keep learning is by:
  •  reading a Christian book
  •  listening to a pastor online
  •  going over my pastor's sermon notes
  •  listening to other believers in my church in Sunday School
  •  learning from my friends lives
  • journaling about my life
I really want to learn. I have to make myself deliberately listen. It's easier to not listen and just be busy. I try to challenge myself to read one book a month. The book I am re-reading is "The Eve Factor: Resisting and Overcoming Temptation." by Shirley Rose published by Navpress 2006.
When reading any book I highlight the most important "aha" truths/quotes/questions that stand out to me because I want to remember it.
Today's post is centered around the quote below from Shirley's book, page71.
It's one of those parts of a book that hits home to my heart. This was my "aha" moment.
"We can't help it if we see something we want. Be we can determine why we want it so much."  Shirley Rose
Read and ask yourself the same questions Shirley asks:  

We can learn from the sin in our heart by simply asking questions about the root of the sin. But we can't learn from it if we don't acknowledge it and face it head on. The best way to bring it to the light is to stop thinking about it and write it down on a piece of paper. Writing it down brings it out in the open. Then, you can look at it and begin bringing it to the LORD through prayer and seeking scripture. You can begin seeking the root of your envy. If you know why you are agreeing to it, you know how to guard yourself more.
Why should we learn from envy? Because envy steals the life from our body. It poisons us and makes us ineffective for the LORD and stifles our intimacy with the LORD.
A heart checked, confessed and brought to the LORD continually gives life to your life.
But envy dear sister steals the life out of your life.

Be encouraged today!
We don't have to be perfect.
We just need to be pursuing the right things of God!
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1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to see you blogging again! You have such encouraging messages that deal with topics that I know I struggle with and I'm certain lots of other women struggle with as well. Thanks for continuing to bring uplifting and convicting messages. Love you!

    Heather Redd


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