Wednesday, February 22

Just for Women Wednesdays-The God of Your Brokenness

Broken hearted.

Broken relationships.

Broken promises.

Everyone has experienced the heartfelt pain of brokenness.

For some, brokenness has simply become a way of life. They expect more brokenness and no restoration.
For others, the pain of brokenness is almost unbearable. The pain is too fresh and it seems like it will never end. For many, brokenness is the journey they have walked through and joyfully have come to the other side of restoration. Praise God! But no matter where you are on the brokenness spectrum, it is normal to ask questions.

People Ask Themselves in the Middle of Brokenness...

 "How will I ever be the same again? How will what is broken ever be repaired?"
In reality, pain changes us.
It never leaves us the same.

Going Back to the Truth when You are Broken
God knows your brokenness.  He is familiar with every heartache you feel spoken and unspoken.
The Bible tells us God is near to the broken hearted (Psalm 34:18). What a promise to hold on to!!!!

Consider how the Bible tells us God heals our brokenness:
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
Psalm 147:3

One of the Hebrew meanings for the word "bind" is compress.God heals our hearts. He compresses our wounds and stops the bleeding.

He Promises to Be With Us
When you are broken, first look back to God's Word.
Remember the promises of God. One of the greatest promises that calms the soul is the truth that God is "with us."
Read the following verses (place your cursor over each scripture)
Isaiah 41:14
Isaiah 41:13
Isaiah 41:10

I rest in the truth that I am never alone when I am broken. I may initially feel alone. But when I turn my heart back to the truth, I hold on to the promise that the LORD is with me. He promises to be my help.

Last, brokenness is how our LORD, Jesus Christ, was able to bring about the beauty of new life into our lives. He was broken for you and me so we would never know the sting of death.

Bring your brokenness to the LORD and let Him bind every tender wound you have. HE promises to heal!

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