Over the past few months, I have watched the seasons change right before my very eyes. Only a God of order could arrange it to take place so effortlessly, so beautifully.The older I become, the more I love the season of fall. As I consider the beauty of God as seen through the season of fall I am reminded that He is: Creator, Sustainer, Provider, All Powerful and a God of order.
What I love about Fall
I love the colors, smells and tastes of fall.
I love the way the weather feels cool and crisp.
I love how the wind rustles through the leaves making its song of praise to our King.
I love how God reminds me He provides food for the animals (and that He will provide for me, too) when I see acorns and nuts fall to the ground.
I love how the season brings families together outside to pick pumpkins on a farm.
Pictures of Fall
As I returned from the mountains last night, I wanted to share some pics I took for you all. Take time to enjoy the beauty God has created for us to enjoy and learn to look for His fingerprint over every detail.
What we got to wake up to see every morning. Beautiful, isn't it!
I couldn't resist to take a pic of this! I love fried pies (a guilty pleasure I indulge in once a year!) This was a fresh batch of homemade apple pies just made being taken to the store. I forgot to show you mine (because I ate it!). But this is what it looked like. The same God who brings fall about also created the taste of apples, spices and bread. Thank God for giving you the sense of taste!
The picture of trees above our car as we drove through the mountains. Couldn't be any more beautiful!!!
God made these beautiful mountains. Breathtaking as I stand in awe of how powerful He is.
I couldn't resist richness of this red. God is the master artist.
A great place to have a quiet time, don't you think!!!!
Took this picture early in the am in Cades Cove. Was thinking about how God provides for every animal He has created. If He provides every basic need for them, won't He do the same for us? YES!I leave you with this verse from Psalm 68:35: "God is awesome in his sanctuary. The God of Israel gives power and strength to his people. Praise be to God." The same God whose power brings about the changes of fall can powerfully work through His people. He is powerful. He is awesome. No one is like Him.
Slow down and look around you.
Take time this fall to consider God's incomparable beauty.
It will fill your heart with joy!
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