Friday, September 16

The Project

As you have clicked on to Joy Treasure in the past couple of weeks, you may have noticed I have not been here much. It's not because I don't want to be here. I thought I had computer trouble, the guy at best buy even told me to get a new computer. But my laptop mouse began to work again. It's so crazy!!!! Computers right!! In the midst of computer craziness, I had been working on completing the project of a lifetime. Two years ago God called me to a specific task and I have been faithfully working on it during that time. Here lately, as it comes to light, my full attention has had to be focused solely on that task. I long to be here at Joy Treasure. I pray for you even though I am not here. But I admit I am not superwoman and there are just things I cannot simply do. Keeping up with this blog has been part of some things that I simply could not do. Please bear with me and keep coming back. There are LOTS of older posts to click on to if there are no new posts posted.

I have been reminded during this time that when God calls you to something, there is no contentment in your life unless you are fulfilling what HE has ordained. If you try and run from it because it's too hard, too difficult, too beyond your reach, you won't be at peace until you are DOING what HE wills.

In the coming weeks, I will be posting as I can, so keep coming by to see what is going on at Joy Treasure.

When I am able to reveal what I have been working on, I'll share it here on Joy Treasure. I can't wait to share it with you. I am looking forward for being able to write posts about it! But until then, I love you dear friends! You are precious to me in the LORD! Blessings to you this Friday!
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