This probably is a post that I could otherwise call, TMI (Too Much Information) but I thought it was good to share and you will get a laugh off of me.
Marriage is hard.
For the believer, marriage is two flawed people trying to live for Jesus in a sinful world.
So keeping the love alive is a continual process in marriage.
My husband and I have a date night. We try to keep it once a month.
Nothing elaborate.
But it's usually a nice dinner somewhere quiet where we can enjoy a good meal and conversation.
Whenever we do this, it refreshes our hearts, our marriage.
So as our date night started out this time, my stomach began to rumble as we pulled up to the restaurant. Needless to say, when I picked up the menu, part of my belly said, "order carefully" and the other part said, "it's date night, order something good!" That was my dilemma.
As the night went on, my tummy began to feel better until we were leaving.
I suddenly felt an overwhelming need to purchase some Gas-X.
So as I asked my husband to pull into the drugstore, I said, "Come in with me." He said, "OK."
As we searched for the Gas-X, I also remembered I needed to buy Lysol toilet cleaning solution. I had cleaned my house but was out of toilet bowl cleaner and therefore, the bathrooms in my home were not entirely clean. I wasn't even thinking about the two items together.
After our enjoyable dinner, there we were...... on the ant-acid aisle at Wal-greens.
As I searched for what I needed, another lady hurriedly came up next to us. She didn't look at us. She simply grabbed the box and scurried off to pay for it.
My husband and I laughed because it was awkward and we felt bad for the lady too.
But there we were on the same aisle looking for the same product.
My husband and I chuckled.
As we approached the counter to pay for our items, I suddenly felt embarrassed at what I held in my hand- Gas-X and Lysol toilet cleaner. My husband and I snickered and then laughed loudly. It was hilarious to us because it was embarrassing in reality. Who buys Gas-X and Lysol toilet cleaner at the same time? I had not planned to buy these products at the same time, but I really needed to finish cleaning my bathrooms too! I threw all my feelings aside and proudly placed the products on the counter. The lady who had just reached for the Gas-X on the anti-acid aisle was in front of us and the cashier said to her, "Oh, look! It's $2.00 off. I have a coupon I will scan for you."She didn't look up. As if she didn't want to be noticed anyway!!!! Bless her heart!
Then it was my turn.
I got the same $2.00 off and same bubbly response from the cashier that the lady previously had received. As I looked at my two items, along with my husband's soda pop I laughed. He laughed. What a date night night! It was a far cry from our first dates!
As we pulled out of the parking lot, we drove through the gas station parking lot behind the drugstore to get to the main street to go home. We saw a friend of ours. We rolled down the window to say, "Hello."
She said, "aww... are y'all having a date night?" We said, "Yep, we sure are."
Little did she know we were heading home with my Gas-X and Lysol Toilet cleaner.
We laughed all the way home.
Learning to laugh together is a good for your marriage.
Proverbs 17:22 says, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
If you have forgotten to laugh with your spouse, take a step back and look for the things in life to laugh about. You will be glad you did.
I hope you got a good laugh from my experience but more than that, I hope you laugh.
Revive the love in your marriage through laughter.