Come close....shhhh.....wanna know a secret? This Friday I am
giving away two paintings in honor of Mother's Day. The winner of this week's Free Art Friday will win two 6X6 paintings- one for herself and one for her mother or mother-in-law.
How to Enter
To be eligible to win, you must be a follower of the
Joy Treasure blog
and then enter your name in the comment section of this post.
(Join the Joy Treasure blog through Facebook, yahoo, twitter, or google. Read Sidebars for more information.)I will be having my son draw from all the names entered in this post out of a bowl Friday morning. The result will be posted on Friday, May 6th at 9:30am.
When Does it Begin?
Free Art Friday begins today, Tuesday May 3, at 9am and will run through Thursday May 5th at 9pm. Eligibility for this drawing will be closed at 9pm Thursday May 5th.
Inspiration for this week's giveaway focuses on
the secret of great mothers- having a heart for Christ.
One for you......... Scripture says, "
And these words which I command you this day shall be written on your heart." Deuteronomy 6:6
One for your mom or mother-in-law: Words say
"Thank You for the Cross Lord."
The Secret to great mothers is that they are Godly mothers. Anyone can be great, but not anyone can be Godly. A Godly mother instills eternity into the hearts of her children. She leads by example. Her actions tell the story of her heart. She is humble like Christ and seeks to place others needs above her own. She takes responsibility for her own actions and doesn't blame others for her own mistakes. She loves continually, prays like crazy and can laugh at tomorrow.
My mother loves the LORD with all her heart and it has made all the difference in my life. Without her first love for Jesus, I wonder where I would be today? She has taught me to love God's word, obey God's commands and align my life accordingly to God's truth. The bible was more than something she read on Sunday mornings. It guided her everyday life, her marriage and mothering, her actions, her attitude. It has been a privilege for me to have such a mother like this. Her faith proved to me she believed what she spoke about Jesus for there never was any disconnect between her belief and life actions. This is the kind of mother I want to be for my child. I don't want to just "go to church" or "be a giver to to the needy." Non-believers can do that. I want to be a Godly mother, a woman whose heart surrenders daily to Christ and seeks for HIS truth to penetrate deep into every cell of my heart making me different from the inside out.
Without a heart changed by Christ, I am nothing but lost.
Without Christ in my heart, my mothering would be worldly and full of good intentions.
Thank you God for saving me.....for bringing new life into this dead heart!!!!!!!!
The secret to being a Godly mother is Christ-first (
Matt 6:33).
Everything else in life will fall into place if He is the first priority.
What has your mother shown you about Christ?